Student Journal Entries
Congratulations on making it to University! Life at university is very different than at school - you are learning a lot just in terms of finding your way on campus and managing time. Good for you.
I am sorry to hear that there is unrest due to lack of funding. I hope this does not limit access to the classes you want to take.
What are you studying (do you have a "major" field of study)?
Thank you for writing. May God bless you in this new chapter of your life.
With love, Melissa
Joel, I am so glad to hear that you like to go to school and to study. All the work you do now is so important for you to become the person you want to be! Keep up the good work and find a favorite teacher. Kathy
Dear Mitchell,
Thank you for writing to us. It's great to hear that you are enjoying your school and have a wonderful career dream in mind.
Best wishes, Wayne B
Hello Emmaculate:

Thank you for your lovely note. It's sounds like you had a busy term! At career day, was there a career that excited you? Have you been reading any books?

It's been very hot and humid in Maryland where I live. We are hoping for rain soon for our gardens and for farms in the area. Yesterday I went to a farm and picked two big boxes of peaches. They are a stone fruit that are sweet like mangoes. This weekend I will "can" them which means I'll cook them a little and put them in jars so I can have them in the winter when there are no peaches (attached is a pic of the peaches.)

I have been watching some of the summer Olympics. It's just amazing to see the athletes perform. I'm so impressed by their determination and dedication.

I love to read and right now I'm reading a book about a young girl in England who likes to create plays. She lives along the coast and had found a washed up whale. Once the whale decomposed, she used the bones for a back drop of her stage. It's quite interesting and transports me to a whole new place. When I'm reading I form all these images in my head like I'm there in the book.

Keep working hard in school and read as many books as you can during the school break!

Take care!
There are two of us, I believe, who are donating to your 2025 school tuition and yesterday I was able to pay the final installment. Your tuition is paid for 2025.
Hi Muthini,
I am glad to hear you are doing well. It sounds as if you had a busy term with science fairs and engineering projects! What did you do for the science fair? Also, congratulations on winning the 100m race!
We are in the midst of a hot summer here, but it just rained, so that helps a bit. We are under a tornado watch this afternoon which means there is still a lot of instability in the skies. But that is normal for this part of the country at this time of year!
I am working hard myself with online classes to learn skills that will help me find a new job.
I encourage you to enjoy your time while school is closed.
With love,
Dear Jacinta, thank you for your beautiful message. You are inspiring me. Thank you! I hope school is going well for you and that you are enjoying time with friends. I am thinking of you! Nicole
Hello Faith:

Congratulations on qualifying for college! I wish you the very best for your future.

Dear Mitchell,

I wish you continued success in your educational journey. You are clearly a bright young woman, and I hope you will have a bright future. Your strength and determination will serve you well as you pursue your goals. I believe in you, and I wish you all the best.

Elizabeth C.
Dear Emmaculate--

Thank you for sharing about your first term. It sounds like it was busy and that the closing celebration was special, except for all of the rain.

What is your favorite subject in school? What book have you read recently? I hope while you are home you check out some books from the Kenya Connect library. Reading is very important to future success. Read books that are fun for you. They have so many wonderful stories and librarian Esther can help you pick out a book. I read every day for fun. Right now I'm reading a story based in Nova Scotia Canada. I'm learning so much and very engaged with the characters.

Today there is a solar eclipse in the U.S. I am hoping to see a bit of it. It's when the moon goes in front of the sun. It's really interesting.

Have a wonderful break, read a lot of books, and help out your family.

Take care,
Your tuition for form 3 for 2025 has been taken care of. So you are good for this year and also next year.

Barb C.
We are very glad to see how you have progressed in school the past 3 years. Best wishes as you study your 4th year. I am coming to Kenya in October and maybe I will be able to meet you then!

Dear Jacinta, The School Fund staff wrote to me to tell me that you have finished Form 2. Congratulations! That is a big accomplishment. I am sure you worked really hard and that your teachers are also so proud of you. I am celebrating you! Best wishes, Nicole
Dear Joy. Good for you for completing your third form. I'm sending you good wishes and luck to continue your educational journey!!

Cecil Anison
Dear Emmaculate--

Thank you for writing! I am pleased to hear that your school year is off to a good start. What is your favorite subject? Are you on a sports team?

I like to read a lot. Every night I read for at least 20-30 minutes. Right now I am reading a book about secondary school students who live I the state of Michigan. It's very interesting. I find that I learn so much when I read stories. Do you like to read? Do you have a Kenya Connect library card. Reading is one of the best things you can do to help your studies.

In the U.S. it is the end of our winter. I am in Vermont where there is usually a lot of snow, but now it's melting as it's getting warmer.

Keep working hard in school and thanks for writing.

Nivea, I am so pleased to see you reached full funding for the 2024 school year. I hope your schooling is going well and my message finds you happy and healthy. Keeping you in my thoughts. Kelli
Dear Syongwa,
Congratulations on completing your high school education and beginning at university. This is very exciting news!
I am sitting in my den at home, with a fire going, looking out the window at snow and ice. The temperature is in single digits (Fahrenheit; negative in Celsius!). We had 7.5 inches of snow on Monday, which is twice the average annual snowfall for this area. It's been lovely, actually!
I hope your classes at university are interesting and challenging. I look forward to hearing if you like them and if you meet interesting new people.

Hi Fedelis,

What wonderful news about your examines and your future journey in University. I am so incredibly proud and look forward to seeing where the future takes you. Which University are you thinking of attending? Do you have a topic of study you are hoping to achieve? Hopefully I will be in Kenya sometime this year and I would love to see you. Keep working hard and keep up you positive attitude. May God bless you and your family and friends.

Have a great Day...

Cindy (Mutindi)
Hi Amieli, I’m Noah. I’m really glad to be helping you out with your education. I read that you would like to be a pharmacist when you grow up. Have you always wanted to be a pharmacist? I’m in high school now and I’m still not sure what I want to do when I get a job so I think it’s cool that you already know what you want to do. What are some of your hobbies? Some of mine are fishing, playing lacrosse, and hanging out with my friends. Again, I’m excited to be helping you out with your education and I hope that you have an amazing 2024

- Noah
Hello Faith:

Congratulations on finishing this part of your education! That is a great accomplishment. Are you planning to continue your studies at a college?

My best wishes to you!
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